A Flash Fiction Piece
He wanted the world to see him. To do that was to show his face over the internet for hours on end while rambling nonsensically. He knew he was right. The trip to the store had him excited. Everything he could have ever desired was on the shelf for him to browse. He had saved all of his earnings for this moment. He started to grab the items he knew would ferry him to stardom. $150 for a motherboard. $850 for a graphics card. $400 for a processor. $250 for random access memory. As the price began to stack up, he noticed sudden perspiration. Is this the right thing to do? he thought. He was stuck in his dream though and there was no turning back now. $120 for a power supply. $200 for a steady-state drive. $150 for a computer case. $150 for an operating system. He started to realize that even though he had budgeted for this, nothing would be left. This was it for him. He could not fail. $500 for a monitor. $120 for a keyboard. $130 for a mouse. $50 for a mousepad. He was almost to the end. Nothing left to add but the key components that would make him a star. $180 for a microphone. $450 for a camera. $200 for a mixer. $180 for a stream deck. $230 for headphones. He could finally leave. All of that money just sitting there reminding him of his path to freedom was finally gone. He could start walking away from his past and into a bright future. He began piecing the parts together to the most expensive puzzle he had ever procured. After two days of trial and error, it was complete. He could now broadcast to his fans around the world. He was sure they were waiting with bated breath for his performance. How could they not be? He opened his streaming program and clicked the “Go Live” button. They should be flooding in any second now. There wasn’t a person on earth that would want to miss this show. 10 hours of broadcasting had passed, the number of live viewers remained the same. There were none.